Conjugal and sexual violence

Juripop has been developing an expertise in sexual violence as well as in conjugal and post-separation violence for several years.
To learn more, listen to the podcast L’origine d’une expertise : entretien avec Me Sophie Gagnon, in which Me Justine Fortin, Director of the Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs, interviews Juripop’s Executive Director to discuss the presence of lawyers in matters of violence and, above all, to recall the opportunities, initiatives and projects that have enabled the organization to develop its expertise. This podcast is only offered in french.
Holding legal and social clinics in collaboration with the CAVAC of Montreal
Creation of L'Aparté - One-stop shop for the cultural community and creation of the Caravans #MoiAussi
Implementation of a pilot project for free legal services for victims of sexual violence
Launch of a family law hotline for victims of conjugal violence
In October 2021, Juripop’s legal advice pilot project and family law hotline were made permanent within the Legal Services Board and became the Rebâtir program.
New mandates were then entrusted to the organization.
The Juripop team now documents the obstacles faced by victims and survivors as they move through the civil and administrative justice system, tests practices to improve access to justice for victims and proposes innovative solutions.
Please note that our specialized lawyer bank has closed. For a referral service on domestic violence, post-separation violence and sexual violence, we invite you to consult our resources page.
In parallel, Juripop offers free training to lawyers and other professionals in the legal community.
Juripop has the privilege of sitting on conjugal violence and sexual violence issue tables, participating in the monitoring committee of the Cellule d’action concertée en violence conjugale of Montreal and collaborating with experts within a community of practice.
In 2021, Juripop also presented two briefs to the Commission des institutions du Québec on bills dealing with conjugal and sexual violence.
Monitoring committee of the Cellule d'action concertée en violence conjugale of Montreal
Pan-Canadian Community of Practice on Family Violence in Family Law Proceedings
Table de concertation en violence conjugale de Montréal
Table de concertation sur les agressions à caractère sexuel de Montréal
L’Aparté is a front-line legal resource center for people who are subjected to or have witnessed sexual and psychological harassment in the cultural milieu.
This program is fully funded by the Ministère de la Justice du Québec.
In accordance with the Act to assist persons who are victims of criminal offences and to facilitate their recovery, click below to view our Statement of Services and, if necessary, access the complaint form.